The producers of Sesame Street Live! have a large repertory of shows. Now and then, they’ll take an existing show, and with some artful editing, repurpose it. In that case, a mixture of new and existing scenery and props need to be created and art directed.

    Here are some samples of my work on ‘Big Bird’s Friendship Club’, which toured malls across the United States. It then took up residence, I believe, at Walt Disney World, in Orlando. Besides, the hand work is a nice break from all the digital stuff, yes?

On Stage with a Big Bird

    Here, we create a new, smaller version of the familiar Sesame Street set found in many of the Sesame Street Live! productions. The stage right section I originally did for a Ford Motor Company automotive safety mall tour, ‘Buckle Up with Big Bird’, which is why the background color is a tad different.

Design up some new props and scenic elements…

But what have we here?

    Bonus image! I tossed it in as a sample of backdrop artwork. It is for a black light number in a revised version of ‘When I Grow Up’, another Sesame Street Live! family show. This involved a holiday moment, with a large Nutcracker puppet entering through the tearoff section in the middle.

…and POOF!

A whole new show, delighting children by the zillions!